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[AICP ROM (20150615 build) 5.1.1 Based] [Review]

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∆∆∆∆ AICP ROM (20150615 build number) Latest! ∆∆∆∆ {Previous version review→ http://himanshudhoopia.blogspot.in/2015/05/resurrection-remix-rom-511-based-review.html ) #That botttom part problem in keyboards in this ROM is solved to......... Nopes its not :3 You have to use swift keyboard or other keyboards but i still like Google only... This made flashing other rom :/ :P #Fast booting and Smooth multitasking is well-known feature of this rom ... Now it's loaded with more features like slim things, charging animations and all ...as u will find in Aicp extras ! ;)  #Phone isn't heating while using phone in plugged charger but charging speed... It's better than slim saber rom but seriously it's saying to take 10 hours to charge full ... right now percent is 27% ..now u can guess :P #No lags while using phone in charging or not charging ;) #Battery drain after rebooting....nah it's not! #Standby drain is zero with stock kernel....performance is also nice ...but problem...

Important Links for Redmi 1S Development!

                                    Important Links for Redmi 1S Development!  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIUI V5 >> http://en.miui.com/download-226.html#325 FLASHING GUIDE >>http://en.miui.com/thread-11242-1-1.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIUI DEVELOPER ROM>> http://en.miui.com/download-226.html FLASHING GUIDE >>http://en.miui.com/thread-11242-1-1.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIUI GLOBAL STABLE ROMs For Redmi 1s → http://en.miui.com/download-226.html#325 (MIUI 7 GLOBAL STABLE DIRECT LINK >> http://obigota.d.miui.com/V7.0.5.0.KHCMICI/miui_HM1SWCGlobal_V7.0.5.0.KHCMICI_e3d1ce758f_4.4.zip) REVIEW AND INSTALLATION GUIDE (MIUI 6 STABLE) >> http:...

[FLEX ROM 5.1.1 BASED] [Review]

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Same like CM12.1 ROM but some extra and awesome features are  → ° Omni Switch ° LCD DENSITY customization ° Volume tweaks ° Navigation Buttons tweaks! ° Flex Control (including heads up notification, animation control,app circle bar etc etc, check in pic) ° Apps to SD (in cm12.1 too ,its there) ° Fast charging ° Zero Lag and a unexpected battery backup i.e. approximately 7 hourss SOT with Beast kernel r4 ,i didn't tried Xcelerate kernel on this rom! Cons→ ≠ During calling...when we attend call or call someone.... Jhhaarrr jhaaar sound there for 4-5 seconds  then it become normal but solved by Beast rC4 version! ≠ A lil lag while using phone in charging but bit solved after beast! ≠ In keyboard,uc browser etc..there is a gap in bottom line between ✆ and screen... So its hard to switch tabs in uc and to use spacebar in Google keyboard...  Even in aicp rom it is there! Overall it can be a good alternative of CM12.1 ROM ROM Link→ http://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-1s/devel...

[Review] [AICP ROM 5.1.1 Based]

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[COOL] ####AICP ROM {ANDROID ICE COLD PROJECT} 5.1.1 with OTA  ## Well i will recommend you all to give a try to this ROM ... it's seriously emerging as a alternative because of BATTERY (giving approximately 6:15 hours SOT, check SS), PERFORMANCE (not lagging while playing games n all,Multitasker xD) and a minor thing i.e no lag while using ✆ during charging :P Recently i tried FLEX ROM,VANIR,PACMAN ROM,EUROPHIA ROM and using AICP right now..all based on 5.1.1....i found AICP good among alll , though FLEX+BEAST (u can try this rom too)is ahead in battery backup .... But overall AICP is ahead as OTA thing there and other cool features! I used Latest Beast kernel rc3 (not rc4 as it's in testing period) on all ROMs except Vanir ROM ,it was working fine and yes was better than Stock kernels of Roms :D There are pre loaded features like navigation rings, wacklock blocker, ad blocker,screen recording and many others :v Overall as of now...CM12 R4 is not performing good for me either ...