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How To Update Galaxy J5 - SM-J500H to Marshmallow 6.0.1 November update

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Samsung Currently Pushing November J500HXXU2BPK4 Update to the Galaxy J5 - SM-J500H on its network ( Bangladesh  ) that includes a security update, as well as now displaying which security patch your phone has and bug fixes. It is recommended you keep your device updated to the latest software so that you don’t experience any flaws or drops in reliability. The Update brings the following changes: The security of your device has been improved. Device stability improvements, bug fixes. New and / or enhanced features. Disclaimer: we are provide various Firmware Updates and Rooting process along with Custom ROM,Modes,file are all belong  to their owners/developers. The autor of this site or the developers are not responsible, if you damage or brick your device.Do it on your own risk and follow the instruction properly. How To Update Galaxy J5 - SM-J500H to  Marshmallow 6.0.1 November XXU2BPK4 [Enhanced Features/Security Patch.] Download Galaxy J5 - SM-J500H Marshmallow 6.0.1 ...